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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool see. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "see" command line tool is a built-in Unix command used to display the contents of a file in the terminal. It allows users to read the text within a file without opening any text editors or word processors. The typical syntax of the "see" command is "see [options] [file]", where the file argument represents the path to the file to be displayed.

One advantage of using the "see" command is its simplicity and ease of use; it is designed to be a straightforward tool for quickly viewing file contents. It supports different options, such as "-b" for displaying a file with backspaces, "-vn" for specifying the number of lines to display, and "-t" for interpreting tabs as spaces.

"See" is often used in combination with other commands (such as "grep" or "sed") to process files and extract specific information. It is particularly useful when dealing with large files, as it provides a way to quickly check the contents without loading the entire file into memory.

Another benefit of "see" is that it can handle various types of files, including plain text files, source code files, and even binary files. This flexibility allows users to examine different file types conveniently.

However, it's worth noting that the "see" command is not available by default on all Unix systems, as it is not part of the POSIX standard. Consequently, some Unix variants may use alternative commands, such as "cat" or "less," to achieve similar functionality.

List of commands for see:

  • see:tldr:32722 see: See action can be used to view any file (usually image) on default mailcap explorer.
    $ see ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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