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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool semanage. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


semanage is a command line tool used in Linux based operating systems, developed by the National Security Agency (NSA). It stands for Security Enhanced Linux (SELinux) management tool and is used to manage SELinux policies.

The primary purpose of semanage is to manage and control various aspects of SELinux policies. It allows system administrators to modify SELinux settings, assign labels to files and directories, define policy modules, and tweak other security-related configurations.

With semanage, administrators can add, modify, and delete SELinux policy rules. They can also view the current SELinux policy configurations and run diagnostics to troubleshoot policy issues.

Apart from managing SELinux policies, semanage also provides the ability to manage SELinux user mapping, allowing administrators to map SELinux users to Linux users and vice versa.

It provides a user-friendly and straightforward command line interface, making it suitable for both experienced administrators and newcomers to SELinux. The tool offers extensive documentation, helping users understand various commands and their functionalities.

semanage is a powerful utility in securing Linux systems by implementing fine-grained access control and enforcing mandatory access controls through SELinux policies. It greatly enhances the security and helps prevent unauthorized access or malicious activities on the system.

List of commands for semanage:

  • semanage:tldr:0ca59 semanage: Take a set of commands from a specified file and load them in a single transaction.
    $ semanage -S ${store} -i ${path-to-input_file}
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  • semanage:tldr:3da67 semanage: Output local customizations.
    $ semanage -S ${store} -o ${path-to-output_file}
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  • semanage:tldr:4b182 semanage: Manage policy modules.
    $ semanage module -S ${store} ${select} ${select1} ${module_name}
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  • semanage:tldr:4ca22 semanage: Manage booleans. Booleans allow the administrator to modify the confinement of processes based on the current configuration.
    $ semanage boolean -S ${store} ${select} ${select1} -F ${select2}
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  • semanage:tldr:e8762 semanage: Disable/Enable dontaudit rules in policy.
    $ semanage dontaudit -S ${store} ${select}
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tool overview