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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool setsid. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


setsid is a command line tool commonly found in Unix-like operating systems. It is used to execute a command in a new session, detach it from the current terminal, and prevent it from being terminated if the terminal session is closed. The setsid command allows a process to continue running independently of the controlling terminal.

When setsid is invoked, it creates a new session and acts as its leader. Any command executed using setsid is attached to this session and becomes independent of the controlling terminal. This means that the command can continue running even if the terminal is closed or the user logs out.

One of the main use cases of setsid is to execute long-running processes that should not be interrupted. For example, running a server application or a background task that needs to persist even if the user ends their terminal session.

The setsid command is often used in combination with other commands, such as nohup, to further enhance the disconnection between the command and the terminal. By using setsid, a process can be fully detached from the terminal session, allowing it to run in the background without any interference.

Overall, setsid is a useful tool for managing long-running processes and ensuring they are not tied to the current terminal session. It provides a way to create independent sessions and detach commands, allowing them to run unaffected by the state of the terminal.

List of commands for setsid:

  • setsid:tldr:10782 setsid: Run a program in a new session setting the current terminal as the controlling terminal.
    $ setsid --ctty ${program}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • setsid:tldr:37564 setsid: Return the exit code of a program as the exit code of setsid when the program exits.
    $ setsid --wait ${program}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • setsid:tldr:5dbf9 setsid: Run a program in a new session.
    $ setsid ${program}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • setsid:tldr:9e976 setsid: Run a program creating a new process.
    $ setsid --fork ${program}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview