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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sha256sum. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


sha256sum is a command line tool that calculates the SHA-256 hash value of a file. It is commonly used in the field of cryptography and computer security.

This tool takes a file as input and generates a unique 256-bit hash value using the SHA-256 algorithm. The generated hash acts as a digital fingerprint for the file, ensuring its integrity and authenticity.

The SHA-256 algorithm is known for its resistance against collisions and cryptographic vulnerabilities, making it suitable for secure operations. The generated hash value is nearly impossible to reverse engineer, providing a high level of data security.

Using sha256sum, you can compare the hash value of a file with the known hash value to verify if the file has been tampered with or corrupted. This feature is especially useful in verifying downloaded files or ensuring data integrity during file transfers.

The displayed output of sha256sum consists of the 256-bit hash value followed by the file name. It provides a quick check for data verification purposes.

This command line tool is generally available in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux distributions. It is a useful utility for system administrators, developers, and security professionals who deal with file integrity and security.

Sha256sum can be used to generate checksums for single files, multiple files, or even whole directories. This flexibility allows for efficient verification of large sets of files.

The binary executable of sha256sum is often located in the /usr/bin directory in Linux distributions and can be invoked from any location in the command line.

Aside from sha256sum, there are other variants such as sha1sum or md5sum, which use different hashing algorithms and produce different hash lengths.

Overall, sha256sum is a powerful command line tool that provides a reliable and efficient means of calculating and verifying the SHA-256 hash values of files, ensuring their security and integrity.

List of commands for sha256sum:

  • sha256sum:tldr:01d59 sha256sum: Calculate and save the list of SHA256 checksums to a file.
    $ sha256sum ${filename1 filename2 ---} > ${filename-sha256}
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  • sha256sum:tldr:130d8 sha256sum: Calculate the SHA256 checksum for one or more files.
    $ sha256sum ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • sha256sum:tldr:401d6 sha256sum: Only show a message for missing files or when verification fails.
    $ sha256sum --check --quiet ${filename-sha256}
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  • sha256sum:tldr:895d7 sha256sum: Only show a message when verification fails, ignoring missing files.
    $ sha256sum --ignore-missing --check --quiet ${filename-sha256}
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  • sha256sum:tldr:de234 sha256sum: Read a file of SHA256 sums and filenames and verify all files have matching checksums.
    $ sha256sum --check ${filename-sha256}
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tool overview