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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sha512sum. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Sha512sum is a command line tool used for generating and verifying SHA-512 checksums. Checksums are cryptographic hash functions that generate a unique hash value for a file or a piece of data. SHA-512 is a widely used hash algorithm that produces a 512-bit (64-byte) hash value. The algorithm is highly secure and widely regarded as one of the most secure hash functions available. The primary purpose of sha512sum is to generate checksums for files, allowing users to verify their integrity and detect any changes or tampering. The command takes the input file and calculates the SHA-512 checksum, displaying the resulting hash value. Users can then compare this hash value with the original hash value to determine if the file has been modified or corrupted. The tool supports various options, allowing users to control the output format, enable recursive processing, and even compare checksums from a file. Sha512sum is available on most Unix-like systems, including Linux distributions. Overall, sha512sum is a valuable tool for ensuring the integrity and security of files, making it an essential component of data verification and protection.

List of commands for sha512sum:

  • sha512sum:tldr:380b6 sha512sum: Only show a message for missing files or when verification fails.
    $ sha512sum --check --quiet ${filename-sha512}
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  • sha512sum:tldr:441b8 sha512sum: Read a file of SHA512 sums and filenames and verify all files have matching checksums.
    $ sha512sum --check ${filename-sha512}
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  • sha512sum:tldr:46953 sha512sum: Calculate the SHA512 checksum for one or more files.
    $ sha512sum ${filename1 filename2 ---}
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  • sha512sum:tldr:63708 sha512sum: Only show a message when verification fails, ignoring missing files.
    $ sha512sum --ignore-missing --check --quiet ${filename-sha512}
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  • sha512sum:tldr:cbfd8 sha512sum: Calculate and save the list of SHA512 checksums to a file.
    $ sha512sum ${filename1 filename2 ---} > ${filename-sha512}
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