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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sic. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SIC stands for "Simplified Instructional Computer," which is a command line tool and an assembly language developed in the 1960s by IBM. It was primarily used for educational purposes to teach computer architecture and programming concepts.

SIC has a simplified instruction set architecture, allowing beginners to learn the basics of programming and computer organization without the complexity of a real computer architecture.

The command line tool provides a virtual environment where users can write and assemble SIC assembly language programs. It offers basic functionality for writing, editing, assembling, and executing SIC programs.

SIC assembly language follows a simplified syntax and includes fundamental features like arithmetic operations, I/O operations, conditional statements, and loops. It also supports labels and constants for improved program structure and readability.

The tool provides a simple debugging mechanism that allows users to step through their program line by line, inspecting the values of variables and registers to identify and fix issues.

SIC played a significant role in computer science education by introducing students to lower-level programming concepts and machine organization. It helped bridge the gap between high-level programming languages and the underlying hardware.

Though considered outdated today in terms of practical usage, SIC remains relevant in historical and educational contexts, as it represents an early attempt to simplify computer architecture and programming for beginners.

List of commands for sic:

  • sic:tldr:82f5c sic: Connect to the default host ( with the nickname set in the `$USER` environment variable.
    $ sic
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sic:tldr:9048f sic: Connect to a given host, using a given nickname.
    $ sic -h ${host} -n ${nickname}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sic:tldr:d748f sic: Connect to a given host, using a given nickname and password.
    $ sic -h ${host} -n ${nickname} -k ${password}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview