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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool singularity. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Singularity is a command line tool that allows users to build, run, and manage lightweight containers. It was specifically designed for scientific and computational workloads.

With Singularity, users can create containers that encapsulate an entire runtime environment, including the operating system, software stack, and dependencies. These containers can be shared and executed across different machines without requiring root access.

Singularity containers are compatible with most Linux distributions and can be built from existing container formats such as Docker, providing flexibility and interoperability.

The tool supports a wide range of use cases, from running complex simulations and data analyses to facilitating reproducible research and providing portable development environments.

Singularity containers are immutable and cannot be modified once built, which ensures consistent and reproducible results. However, users can still interact with the container through bind mounts, which allow access to specific directories or files on the host system.

Containers can be run using Singularity, enabling the execution of complex workflows and multi-step processes within a controlled environment.

Singularity also provides support for distributed and parallel computing, allowing users to scale their workloads across multiple nodes or clusters.

The tool includes features like sandboxing, which isolates the container from the host system, and support for GPU acceleration for computationally intensive tasks.

Singularity's command line interface is easy to use, with intuitive commands and options for managing containers. It also integrates well with existing HPC (High-Performance Computing) environments and resource managers.

Singularity is an open-source project with an active community, ensuring ongoing development and support.

List of commands for singularity:

  • singularity:tldr:4180e singularity: Start a container from an image and run a command.
    $ singularity exec ${image-sif} ${command}
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  • singularity:tldr:44fb4 singularity: Rebuild a remote image using the latest Singularity image format.
    $ singularity build ${image-sif} ${docker:--godlovedc-lolcow}
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  • singularity:tldr:8be7d singularity: Start a container from an image and execute the internal runscript.
    $ singularity run ${image-sif}
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  • singularity:tldr:9003f singularity: Download a remote image from Sylabs Cloud.
    $ singularity pull --name ${image-sif} ${library:--godlovedc-funny-lolcow:latest}
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  • singularity:tldr:bbb40 singularity: Start a container from an image and get a shell inside it.
    $ singularity shell ${image-sif}
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