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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sk. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


sk is a command line tool that offers functionalities for filtering and formatting text data interactively. It stands for "simple keymanager" and is primarily used to search, filter, and display data from various data sources.

It can parse and process data from files, command outputs, and even databases using SQL. The tool supports various data formats like CSV, TSV, JSON, and YAML.

sk allows users to apply filters and search for specific keyword matches in the data. It provides an interactive interface where users can navigate through the data, filtering out unwanted lines and highlighting matches.

The tool also supports advanced features like regular expressions and column-based filtering. Users can extract columns of interest, sort the data by specific columns, and even aggregate data using grouping and summing functions.

sk provides customization options for output formatting as well. Users can specify the color scheme, adjust column widths, and control the visibility of headers and footers.

It is designed to be lightweight, intuitive, and efficient in handling large datasets. The syntax and options are kept minimalistic, making it easy to learn and use.

The tool is actively maintained and has a growing community of users who contribute to its development. It is available for Unix-based systems like Linux and macOS.

sk is an open-source project licensed under the MIT License, allowing users to freely use, distribute, and modify the tool. Detailed documentation and examples are available to guide users in utilizing its features effectively.

List of commands for sk:

  • sk:tldr:e1cd2 sk: Start skim with a specified query.
    $ sk --query "${query}"
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tool overview