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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool slapt-get. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Slapt-get is a command line tool used for managing software packages in Slackware Linux distributions. It is an alternative to the official package management tool, "pkgtool". The primary purpose of slapt-get is to make the installation, upgrading, and removal of software packages easier for users.

This tool utilizes a centralized package repository called "Slackware Packages" ( similar to other Linux distributions. It allows users to install packages from the repository by specifying the package name. Slapt-get handles all the dependencies and resolves them automatically, ensuring a smooth installation process.

In addition to installing packages, slapt-get also supports upgrading installed packages to their latest versions. It can query the package repository for available updates and upgrade only the necessary packages, making it a handy tool for system maintenance and keeping software up to date.

Slapt-get supports command line options and arguments for more advanced package management tasks. Users can search for packages, check for updates, perform a system-wide upgrade, and even create their own Slackware packages using its capabilities.

Overall, slapt-get provides Slackware users with a flexible and efficient package management experience through the command line, enabling them to easily install, update, and maintain their software packages with minimal effort.

List of commands for slapt-get:

  • slapt-get:tldr:422af slapt-get: Locate packages by the package name, disk set, or version.
    $ slapt-get --search ${package_name}
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  • slapt-get:tldr:7ac12 slapt-get: Upgrade all installed packages to their latest available versions.
    $ slapt-get --upgrade
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  • slapt-get:tldr:9f415 slapt-get: Install a package, or update it to the latest available version.
    $ slapt-get --install ${package_name}
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  • slapt-get:tldr:ab289 slapt-get: Update the list of available packages and versions.
    $ slapt-get --update
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  • slapt-get:tldr:ac3f6 slapt-get: Show information about a package.
    $ slapt-get --show ${package_name}
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  • slapt-get:tldr:e87ea slapt-get: Remove a package.
    $ slapt-get --remove ${package_name}
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