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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool slimrb. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Slimrb is a command line tool used for compiling Slim templates into HTML. It is written in Ruby and primarily used for web development. Slim is a lightweight templating language that focuses on simplicity and readability. With Slimrb, developers can convert Slim templates into static HTML files for easy deployment. The tool offers a variety of features including indentation-based syntax, support for embedding Ruby code, and dynamic template inheritance. It also provides an intuitive and concise syntax, reducing the amount of code needed to express the same logic compared to other templating languages. Slimrb can handle complex template logic such as conditionals, loops, and variable interpolations. It allows developers to write efficient, clean, and maintainable code. Additionally, Slimrb supports modularization, enabling the use of partial templates to reuse code snippets across different pages. With its ease of use, flexibility, and extensive documentation, Slimrb is a popular choice among Ruby developers for creating dynamic and responsive web pages.

List of commands for slimrb:

  • slimrb:tldr:11201 slimrb: Convert a Slim file to HTML.
    $ slimrb ${input-slim} ${output-html}
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  • slimrb:tldr:41445 slimrb: Convert a Slim file and output to prettified HTML.
    $ slimrb --pretty ${input-slim} ${output-html}
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  • slimrb:tldr:facd7 slimrb: Convert a Slim file to ERB.
    $ slimrb --erb ${input-slim} ${output-erb}
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