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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"sm" is a command line tool that stands for "System Manager" and is typically used in Unix-like operating systems. It is a powerful utility that allows users to manage and monitor running processes on a system.

With "sm", users can start, stop, restart, and manage various processes and services that are running in the background. It provides a streamlined way to control system components without the need for a graphical interface, making it ideal for server administration or automation tasks.

"sm" includes various options for managing processes, such as specifying which user the process should run as, setting resource limits, and redirecting input/output. Additionally, it allows users to view detailed information about running processes, including their process ID, status, and resource usage.

One of the key advantages of "sm" is its simplicity and ease of use. It follows a straightforward syntax, making it accessible to both experienced administrators and users who are new to command line tools. This tool is often used in conjunction with other system management tools, such as "init" or "systemd", to perform higher-level management tasks.

Overall, "sm" is a versatile command line tool that provides a convenient way to manage and monitor processes on a Unix-like system. Its simplicity and flexibility make it a valuable tool for system administrators and users who prefer working from the command line interface.

List of commands for sm:

  • sm:tldr:2d6b6 sm: Display a message with a custom foreground color.
    $ sm -f ${blue} "${Hello World!}"
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  • sm:tldr:46284 sm: Display a message rotated 3 times (in steps of 90 degrees, counterclockwise).
    $ sm -r ${3} "${Hello World!}"
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  • sm:tldr:59119 sm: Display a message with inverted colors.
    $ sm -i "${Hello World!}"
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  • sm:tldr:9c878 sm: Display a message in full-screen.
    $ sm "${Hello World!}"
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  • sm:tldr:e33ea sm: Display a message with a custom background color.
    $ sm -b ${#008888} "${Hello World!}"
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tool overview