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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool smalltalkci. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SmalltalkCI is a powerful command line tool designed to help developers automate the testing and continuous integration process for Smalltalk projects. It supports various Smalltalk dialects, including Pharo, Squeak, and GemStone.

With SmalltalkCI, developers can easily set up and configure different test suites, ensuring that their code is functional and adheres to specific requirements. It enables the execution of unit tests, integration tests, and even acceptance tests for user interfaces and web applications.

The tool provides features like test discovery, parallel test execution, and test result reporting, offering a comprehensive and efficient testing workflow. It also supports code coverage analysis, allowing developers to gauge how thoroughly their code has been tested.

SmalltalkCI integrates well with popular code hosting platforms like GitHub and GitLab, enabling seamless integration with existing development workflows. Its command line interface makes it highly suitable for automation and can be easily incorporated into existing build systems.

By leveraging SmalltalkCI, developers can ensure the quality and stability of their Smalltalk projects, facilitating the development process and reducing the risk of introducing bugs or errors into their codebase.

List of commands for smalltalkci:

  • smalltalkci:tldr:46401 smalltalkci: Debug tests in headful mode (show VM window).
    $ smalltalkci --headful
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  • smalltalkci:tldr:47a0c smalltalkci: Specify a custom Smalltalk image and VM.
    $ smalltalkci --image ${path-to-Smalltalk-image} --vm ${path-to-vm}
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  • smalltalkci:tldr:55525 smalltalkci: Run tests for a configuration file.
    $ smalltalkci ${path-to--smalltalk-ston}
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  • smalltalkci:tldr:82c87 smalltalkci: Download and prepare a well-known smalltalk image for the tests.
    $ smalltalkci --smalltalk ${Squeak64-Trunk}
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  • smalltalkci:tldr:96ef4 smalltalkci: Run tests for the `.smalltalk.ston` configuration in the current directory.
    $ smalltalkci
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  • smalltalkci:tldr:e0fad smalltalkci: Clean up caches and delete builds.
    $ smalltalkci --clean
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tool overview