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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool snoop. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Snoop is a powerful command line tool used in various operating systems, primarily Unix-based systems. It is designed to capture and analyze network traffic in real-time, helping with network troubleshooting and security-related tasks.

Snoop works by intercepting and capturing packets transmitted and received over a network interface. It can capture data at different levels of the network stack, allowing visibility into various protocol layers, such as Ethernet, IP, TCP, and UDP.

With Snoop, users can filter network traffic based on specific criteria, such as source or destination IP address, port number, protocols, or even specific packet content. This makes it a versatile tool for network monitoring and analysis.

Furthermore, Snoop provides additional options for capturing and examining packet-level information, including timestamps, packet size, TTL (time-to-live), and application-level data. It can store captured packets in various file formats for later analysis or export to other tools.

Snoop also supports more advanced features like remote packet capturing, filtering based on network devices, and the ability to capture packets on multiple interfaces simultaneously. These capabilities make Snoop highly configurable and suitable for a wide range of network analysis scenarios.

Overall, Snoop is a command line tool that network administrators, security professionals, and anyone working with network traffic can utilize to gain insights into network behavior and troubleshoot issues effectively.

List of commands for snoop:

  • snoop:tldr:8358c snoop: Display verbose protocol layer summary of packets from a file.
    $ snoop -V -i ${filename}
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  • snoop:tldr:93b4c snoop: Save captured packets in a file instead of displaying them.
    $ snoop -o ${filename}
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  • snoop:tldr:9f179 snoop: Capture network packets that come from a hostname and go to a given port.
    $ snoop to port ${port} from host ${hostname}
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  • snoop:tldr:bd10a snoop: Capture packets on a specific network interface.
    $ snoop -d ${e1000g0}
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  • snoop:tldr:d5cd9 snoop: Capture and show a hex-dump of network packets exchanged between two IP addresses.
    $ snoop -x0 -p4 ${ip1} ${ip2}
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tool overview