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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sops. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


SOPS (Secrets OPerationS) is a command-line tool designed to securely manage and edit secrets in files. Its main purpose is to simplify the process of encrypting and decrypting files containing sensitive information.

SOPS supports various file formats, including YAML, JSON, and dotenv, making it flexible and adaptable to different needs. This tool ensures that secrets remain encrypted at rest by using industry-standard cryptography algorithms.

One of the core features of SOPS is its ability to integrate with different key management systems. It supports popular cloud-based services like AWS KMS, GCP KMS, Azure Key Vault, and the HashiCorp Vault. This enables the secure storage and retrieval of encryption keys from trusted providers.

In addition to encryption and decryption, SOPS facilitates editing encrypted files using a simple and straightforward workflow. It allows users to edit secrets in clear text, while automatically re-encrypting the file once changes are saved, ensuring the secrets' continued security.

SOPS provides a range of options to configure encryption settings, such as key rotation, metadata management, and enforcement of specific encryption algorithms.

This command-line tool also offers a git integration mode, allowing users to automatically secure secrets in version control systems when using Git for managing files.

SOPS is an open-source project with an actively maintained codebase. It has a large community of contributors, which ensures regular updates, bug fixes, and new feature developments.

With its user-friendly interface and robust security features, SOPS has become a popular choice among developers, DevOps teams, and security professionals dealing with secrets management.

Its support for different programming languages and platforms makes SOPS highly versatile and easily integratable into existing workflows and pipelines.

Overall, SOPS is a powerful command-line tool that simplifies secrets management by providing secure encryption, decryption, and editing capabilities for files, along with seamless integration with popular key management systems.

List of commands for sops:

  • sops:tldr:130f2 sops: Extract keys by naming them, and array elements by numbering them.
    $ sops -d --extract '["an_array"][1]' ${path-to-myfile-enc-json}
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  • sops:tldr:65a80 sops: Change the extension of the file once encrypted.
    $ sops -d --input-type json ${path-to-myfile-enc-json}
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  • sops:tldr:934ed sops: Rotate data keys for a sops file.
    $ sops -r ${path-to-myfile-enc-yaml}
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  • sops:tldr:d64ff sops: Encrypt a file.
    $ sops -e ${path-to-myfile-json} > ${path-to-myfile-enc-json}
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  • sops:tldr:edd0f sops: Decrypt a file to the standard output.
    $ sops -d ${path-to-myfile-enc-json}
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tool overview