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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool spectre-meltdown-checker. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Spectre-Meltdown-Checker is a command line tool used to check if a system is vulnerable to the Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities affect the processors of most modern computers and can potentially expose sensitive data.

The tool analyzes various features of the processor, including microcode, CPU flags, and kernel configuration, to determine the vulnerability status. It provides a detailed report listing all the vulnerable components, along with their severity levels.

Spectre-Meltdown-Checker supports multiple operating systems, including Linux and macOS. It can be run as a root user or a regular user, depending on the level of access required to perform the checks. The tool also offers additional options to customize the scan, such as ignoring specific vulnerabilities or excluding certain components from the analysis.

Regularly running Spectre-Meltdown-Checker is essential to ensure the system's security by promptly identifying any potential vulnerabilities. It helps administrators and users take appropriate measures, such as applying available patches or firmware updates, to mitigate the risks associated with Spectre and Meltdown.

Being a command line tool, Spectre-Meltdown-Checker lends itself well to automation and integration into existing scripts or monitoring systems, allowing for seamless vulnerability assessment of multiple systems across an infrastructure.

List of commands for spectre-meltdown-checker:

  • spectre-meltdown-checker:tldr:0bdbf spectre-meltdown-checker: Check the currently running kernel for Spectre or Meltdown.
    $ sudo spectre-meltdown-checker
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  • spectre-meltdown-checker:tldr:11602 spectre-meltdown-checker: Don't use the `/sys` interface even if present.
    $ sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --no-sysfs
    try on your machine
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  • spectre-meltdown-checker:tldr:2a465 spectre-meltdown-checker: Display output using a specific output format.
    $ sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --batch ${select}
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  • spectre-meltdown-checker:tldr:98f26 spectre-meltdown-checker: Check a non-running kernel.
    $ sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --kernel ${path-to-kernel_file}
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  • spectre-meltdown-checker:tldr:b40ee spectre-meltdown-checker: Check for specific variants (defaults to all).
    $ sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --variant ${select}
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  • spectre-meltdown-checker:tldr:c5921 spectre-meltdown-checker: Check the currently running kernel and show an explanation of the actions to take to mitigate a vulnerability.
    $ sudo spectre-meltdown-checker --explain
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview