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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool spike. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


If you're building a website or client-side app – then 🌵 spike is probably for you. Spike aims to be simple, efficient, and a pleasure to use.

Spike certainly is not the only static site generator out there, but in our opinion, it's the most powerful and easiest to use.

Spike's default stack is built on plugin-based architecture which defaults to syntax based on official specs for the future of html, css, and javascript.

List of commands for spike:

  • spike:compile Compile your spike project once to the "public" directory.
    $ spike compile
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  • tldr:spike:3836444122d01ac769b4469a02742309 spike: Remove the output directory.
    $ spike clean
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  • tldr:spike:9a5e78c5af692c6f0bb546dc7a02f869 spike: Compile your project, watch for changes, and auto-reload the browser.
    $ spike watch
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  • tldr:spike:ee330d5a44d90dda7fb9c7da2e3b31df spike: Create a new project using the default template.
    $ spike new ${project_name}
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tool overview