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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sqlite-utils. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Sqlite-utils is a versatile command line tool for working with SQLite databases. It offers a range of functionalities to interact with SQLite databases effectively. With sqlite-utils, you can perform various operations like creating databases, importing and exporting data, executing SQL queries, and more. It has a simple and intuitive syntax which makes it easy to use even for beginners.

One key feature of sqlite-utils is the ability to transform CSV or JSON files into SQLite databases seamlessly. It can create a new database and automatically create tables based on the structure of the imported data. This saves time and effort, especially when dealing with large datasets.

Furthermore, sqlite-utils allows you to execute SQL queries directly from the command line. It supports SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, providing a flexible way to manipulate data within the database. The results can be outputted in various formats like JSON, CSV, or pretty-printed tables.

The tool also offers powerful filtering and sorting options, enabling you to extract specific subsets of data from the database easily. You can specify conditions using WHERE clauses, and sort the results based on one or multiple columns.

Sqlite-utils supports database migrations, allowing you to manage schema changes over time. You can apply SQL migrations to upgrade or downgrade the database schema effortlessly. In addition, it provides a handy "table counts" command that displays the number of rows in each table of the database.

Moreover, sqlite-utils includes a web-based interface called Datasette, which allows you to explore and share SQLite databases via a web browser. It offers an interactive interface with features like faceted search, SQL query execution, and JSON API endpoints.

Overall, sqlite-utils is a powerful and flexible command line tool that simplifies various aspects of working with SQLite databases. Its extensive functionality, ease of use, and integration with other tools make it an excellent choice for database management tasks.

List of commands for sqlite-utils:

  • sqlite-utils:tldr:28145 sqlite-utils: Show help information.
    $ sqlite-utils -h
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sqlite-utils:tldr:2c06e sqlite-utils: Select records.
    $ sqlite-utils rows ${path-to-database-db} ${table_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sqlite-utils:tldr:7d08b sqlite-utils: Delete a record.
    $ sqlite-utils query ${path-to-database-db} "${delete from table_name where name = 'Tony Hoare'}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sqlite-utils:tldr:7ef66 sqlite-utils: Drop a table.
    $ sqlite-utils drop-table ${path-to-database-db} ${table_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sqlite-utils:tldr:d64f0 sqlite-utils: Create a database.
    $ sqlite-utils create-database ${path-to-database-db}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sqlite-utils:tldr:e01e5 sqlite-utils: Create a table.
    $ sqlite-utils create-table ${path-to-database-db} ${table_name} ${id integer name text height float photo blob --pk id}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sqlite-utils:tldr:e53f8 sqlite-utils: List tables.
    $ sqlite-utils tables ${path-to-database-db}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview