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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool ss-local. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


ss-local is a command line tool for Shadowsocks, a secure proxy server that allows users to bypass internet censorship and access blocked websites. It is one of the components of the Shadowsocks project, which includes various tools for different purposes. ss-local is specifically designed to run on the client side and acts as a client program that connects to a remote Shadowsocks server. It creates a local proxy server on the user's machine, which enables the user to route their internet traffic through the remote server and bypass any restrictions or censorship imposed by their local network or government. ss-local supports multiple encryption methods, such as AES, Chacha20, and RC4, providing a secure tunnel for data transmission. It also supports various proxy protocols like HTTP, SOCKS4, and SOCKS5, allowing users to choose the protocol that suits their needs best. ss-local can be run on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and BSD. It can be configured to use different ports, server addresses, and authentication methods, giving users flexibility in managing their proxy connections. ss-local is highly customizable, enabling users to adjust settings like encryption cipher, obfuscation, and TCP fast open. Overall, ss-local empowers users with a simple yet powerful command line tool to establish secure and private connections, bypass restrictions, and enjoy unrestricted access to the internet.

List of commands for ss-local:

  • ss-local:tldr:09e7e ss-local: Run a Shadowsocks proxy by specifying the host, server port, local port, password, and encryption method.
    $ ss-local -s ${host} -p ${server_port} -l ${local port} -k ${password} -m ${encrypt_method}
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  • ss-local:tldr:1ca00 ss-local: Use a plugin to run the proxy client.
    $ ss-local --plugin ${plugin_name} --plugin-opts ${plugin_options}
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  • ss-local:tldr:5a9a1 ss-local: Enable TCP fast open.
    $ ss-local --fast-open
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  • ss-local:tldr:b2c53 ss-local: Run a Shadowsocks proxy by specifying the config file.
    $ ss-local -c ${path-to-config-file-json}
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