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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool stack. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Stack is a command line tool commonly used in computer programming and software development. It follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle and is used to manage a stack data structure.

  1. With Stack, developers can push elements onto the stack and pop elements from the stack easily.
  2. The tool provides a simple command line interface that allows users to interact with the stack.
  3. Stack can be used with various programming languages and frameworks such as Haskell, Rust, and Elixir.
  4. It enables developers to easily manage their application's dependencies and build processes efficiently.
  5. Stack helps ensure consistent builds across different environments by providing isolation and reproducibility.
  6. It allows users to specify dependency versions, enabling reliable and predictable builds for their projects.
  7. Stack offers sandboxing capabilities, which helps create an environment that is isolated from the host system.
  8. The tool also provides support for testing, benchmarking, and profiling of software projects.
  9. Stack has a powerful package resolver that helps resolve dependencies and manages version conflicts effectively.
  10. It integrates well with build systems, package managers, and source control tools, enhancing the development workflow and making it easier to manage complex projects.

List of commands for stack:

  • stack:tldr:0a3c7 stack: Run tests inside a package.
    $ stack test
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  • stack:tldr:26c8b stack: Create a new package.
    $ stack new ${package_name} ${template_name}
    try on your machine
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  • stack:tldr:cf3cb stack: Compile a project and execute a command after compilation.
    $ stack build --exec "${command}"
    try on your machine
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  • stack:tldr:f03e9 stack: Compile a project and re-compile every time a file changes.
    $ stack build --file-watch
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  • stack:tldr:fbdea stack: Compile a package.
    $ stack build
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  • yesod:tldr:07724 yesod: Install the Yesod CLI tool within a Yesod scaffolded site.
    $ stack build yesod-bin cabal-install --install-ghc
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tool overview