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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool stow. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Stow is a command line tool used for managing software packages in a Unix-like operating system. It provides a convenient way to organize and manage files within a directory hierarchy, making it easier to maintain multiple software installations. Stow enables the creation of symbolic links for files in one directory to appear as if they exist in another directory, offering a clean and coherent directory structure. It is often used for managing software installations that are not handled by the system's package manager, allowing users to easily switch between different versions of software. With Stow, users can create, install, and uninstall packages with a simple command, making it a handy tool for package management. It provides a concept known as "packages" which can be used to bundle related files together, simplifying the management of software configurations. Stow supports both individual files and entire directories, allowing users to easily organize and group files from different software installations. It integrates well with version control systems, allowing users to track and manage changes made to the package configurations. Stow is written in Perl and is open-source, allowing users to modify and contribute to its development. It is widely used by software developers, system administrators, and power users who want to have a flexible and organized approach to managing their software installations.

List of commands for stow:

  • stow:tldr:47b65 stow: Exclude files matching a regular expression.
    $ stow --ignore=${regular_expression} --target=${path-to-target_directory} ${file1 directory1 file2 directory2}
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  • stow:tldr:4eb5f stow: Simulate to see what the result would be like.
    $ stow --simulate --target=${path-to-target_directory} ${file1 directory1 file2 directory2}
    try on your machine
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  • stow:tldr:8bf49 stow: Symlink all files recursively to a given directory.
    $ stow --target=${path-to-target_directory} ${file1 directory1 file2 directory2}
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  • stow:tldr:9a659 stow: Delete and resymlink.
    $ stow --restow --target=${path-to-target_directory} ${file1 directory1 file2 directory2}
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  • stow:tldr:bb2d0 stow: Delete symlinks recursively from a given directory.
    $ stow --delete --target=${path-to-target_directory} ${file1 directory1 file2 directory2}
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