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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool sum. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "sum" command line tool is used to calculate the checksum and the number of blocks that are present in a file. It is mainly used to verify the integrity of files by comparing their checksums before and after transferring or copying them.

When running the "sum" command, the output consists of two numbers separated by a space. The first number represents the checksum, which is a mathematical value calculated from the binary contents of the file. The second number represents the total number of blocks in the file.

The checksum is a unique value derived from the file's content, and even a small change in the file will result in a different checksum. This makes it useful in ensuring that files have not been altered or corrupted during transfer.

The "sum" command works on both binary and text files. However, it is more commonly used with binary files, such as executable files or disk images, as they are more prone to corruption during transfers.

The "sum" command is typically executed by providing it with the path to the file as an argument. It can also accept multiple file paths to generate checksums for multiple files at once.

In addition to verifying file integrity, the "sum" command can also be used to compare the checksum of two files. If the checksums of two files are identical, it indicates that the files have the same content.

The "sum" command operates using different algorithms based on the operating system. On Unix-based systems, such as Linux or macOS, it commonly uses the CRC-32 algorithm. On Windows, it often uses the 16-bit checksum algorithm.

In summary, the "sum" command line tool is used to calculate the checksum and number of blocks in a file. It helps in verifying file integrity and identifying changes or corruption during file transfers.

List of commands for sum:

  • sum:tldr:863dd sum: Compute a checksum with System V-compatible algorithm and 512-byte blocks.
    $ sum --sysv ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • sum:tldr:98ba0 sum: Compute a checksum with BSD-compatible algorithm and 1024-byte blocks.
    $ sum ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview