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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool supervisorctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Supervisorctl is a command-line tool used to interact with the Supervisor process control system. It allows you to control and manage various processes and programs running under Supervisor's control. Supervisorctl provides a convenient interface to start, stop, and restart programs, as well as managing their state and configuration. With supervisorctl, you can manage multiple programs simultaneously and perform actions like viewing process status, starting or stopping multiple programs at once, and modifying their configuration dynamically. It communicates with the Supervisor daemon through a local UNIX socket or a TCP/IP socket. The tool provides interactive shell-like capabilities, allowing you to enter commands interactively or execute commands using scripts. Supervisorctl also supports batch operations, allowing you to perform actions on multiple programs without the need for manual intervention. You can easily view the logs of the managed programs using supervisorctl, making it easier to debug any issues. Supervisorctl allows you to add, remove, or update configuration sections for programs under Supervisor's control dynamically. Overall, supervisorctl is a powerful and versatile tool for managing and controlling processes under the supervision of the Supervisor process control system.

List of commands for supervisorctl:

  • supervisorctl:tldr:0985c supervisorctl: Show last 100 **bytes** of process `stderr`.
    $ supervisorctl tail -100 ${process_name} stderr
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  • supervisorctl:tldr:25f70 supervisorctl: Start/stop/restart all processes in a group.
    $ supervisorctl ${select} ${group_name}:*
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  • supervisorctl:tldr:2b49a supervisorctl: Reload process config file to add/remove processes as necessary.
    $ supervisorctl update
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  • supervisorctl:tldr:693cb supervisorctl: Start/stop/restart a process.
    $ supervisorctl ${select} ${process_name}
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  • supervisorctl:tldr:fc2c9 supervisorctl: Keep displaying `stdout` of a process.
    $ supervisorctl tail -f ${process_name} stdout
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tool overview