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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool svcadm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


svcadm is a command line tool used in the Solaris operating system to manage services. It stands for Service Management Facility (SMF) administrative tool.

With svcadm, system administrators can perform various operations on services, such as enabling, disabling, enabling on boot, and restarting services. It allows users to interact with the SMF repository, which stores information about the system's services and their dependencies.

The tool supports a rich set of options and arguments to facilitate service management. For instance, users can use the "-e" option to enable a service, while the "-d" option is used to disable a service. The "-r" option can be used to restart a service.

svcadm also provides the capability to view the status and configuration of services. The "-v" option displays detailed information about a particular service, including its state, dependencies, and properties.

Additionally, svcadm offers features like fault isolation and automatic recovery, allowing system administrators to diagnose and troubleshoot service-related issues efficiently.

It is worth noting that svcadm requires superuser privileges to manage services effectively and modify the SMF repository. Any service changes made using svcadm are immediately reflected in system behavior and persistence across reboots.

List of commands for svcadm:

  • svcadm:tldr:0bd65 svcadm: Restart a running service.
    $ svcadm restart ${service_name}
    try on your machine
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  • svcadm:tldr:29a3b svcadm: Disable service.
    $ svcadm disable ${service_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • svcadm:tldr:3d857 svcadm: Clear a service from maintenance state and command it to start.
    $ svcadm clear ${service_name}
    try on your machine
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  • svcadm:tldr:f3801 svcadm: Enable a service in the service database.
    $ svcadm enable ${service_name}
    try on your machine
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  • svcadm:tldr:f9c0b svcadm: Command service to re-read configuration files.
    $ svcadm refresh ${service_name}
    try on your machine
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tool overview