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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool svccfg. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


svccfg is a command line tool in the Solaris operating system that allows users to manage and configure system services and their associated properties. It is primarily used to interact with the Service Management Facility (SMF), which is responsible for controlling the behavior of services during system startup, runtime, and shutdown.

With svccfg, users can create, modify, enable, disable, and delete service instances or properties. It enables administrators to view and manipulate service configurations, dependencies, and dependencies across various levels of the SMF hierarchy.

The tool provides a syntax for commands that allow users to navigate through the SMF configuration hierarchy and modify specific properties at each level. It also supports XML-based configuration files for importing or exporting service configurations, making it easier to manage service settings across multiple systems.

Users can use svccfg with various flag options to perform operations like enabling and disabling services, refreshing configurations, setting properties, and dealing with service states. It also offers options for tracking changes made to service configurations and restoring previous configurations if necessary.

Overall, svccfg is a powerful tool for managing services and their configurations in Solaris, providing a flexible and efficient way to control the behavior and dependencies of system services.

List of commands for svccfg:

  • svccfg:tldr:123cb svccfg: Import/update service configurations from file.
    $ svccfg import ${path-to-smf_file-xml}
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  • svccfg:tldr:22f02 svccfg: Export service configurations to file.
    $ svccfg export ${servicename} > ${path-to-smf_file-xml}
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  • svccfg:tldr:cfb7e svccfg: Validate configuration file.
    $ svccfg validate ${path-to-smf_file-xml}
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tool overview