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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool synoupgrade. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "synoupgrade" is associated with Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM), a software platform for Synology Network-Attached Storage (NAS) devices.

  1. Synoupgrade is primarily used to upgrade the DSM version running on a Synology NAS.
  2. It is a powerful tool that allows users to perform system updates and ensure their NAS is running the latest version of DSM.
  3. The tool can be accessed through the command line interface (CLI) of the Synology NAS or via SSH.
  4. Synoupgrade provides options to check and download the latest DSM updates, install packages, and upgrade system components.
  5. It offers various parameters to customize the upgrade process, such as selecting a specific version to install, skipping pre-checks, or enabling beta updates.
  6. The command can be run with administrative privileges to gain full control over the upgrade process.
  7. Synoupgrade streamlines the process of upgrading the DSM software on a Synology NAS, enhancing system functionality and security.

List of commands for synoupgrade:

  • synoupgrade:tldr:05fc5 synoupgrade: Upgrade to the latest version automatically.
    $ sudo synoupgrade --auto
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  • synoupgrade:tldr:063e2 synoupgrade: Start the upgrade process.
    $ sudo synoupgrade --start
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  • synoupgrade:tldr:23168 synoupgrade: Apply patches without upgrading the DSM version automatically.
    $ sudo synoupgrade --auto-smallupdate
    try on your machine
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  • synoupgrade:tldr:32e1b synoupgrade: Check for patches without upgrading the DSM version.
    $ sudo synoupgrade --check-smallupdate
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  • synoupgrade:tldr:7fde5 synoupgrade: Display help.
    $ synoupgrade
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  • synoupgrade:tldr:904f8 synoupgrade: Download the latest upgrade available (use `--download-smallupdate` for patches).
    $ sudo synoupgrade --download
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  • synoupgrade:tldr:9f15c synoupgrade: Check if upgrades are available.
    $ sudo synoupgrade --check
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  • synoupgrade:tldr:e57d2 synoupgrade: Upgrade the DSM using a patch file (should be an absolute path).
    $ sudo synoupgrade --patch ${-filename-pat}
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tool overview