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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool systeminfo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The systeminfo command is a command line tool available in Windows operating systems. It provides detailed information about the system hardware, software, and configuration settings.

When executed, the systeminfo command displays information such as the operating system name, version, installation date, and build number. It also reveals details about the system's processor, memory, and network connection.

The command also shows information about the system's BIOS version, manufacturer, and release date. It provides data on the system's time zone, country code, and locale settings as well.

Furthermore, systeminfo displays information related to installed hotfixes, network adapters, and the domain the system is connected to. It also provides information about any virtualization technologies enabled on the machine.

The systeminfo command supports various switches that allow users to customize the output or retrieve specific information. These switches enable users to export the system information to a file, display only the computer name, or view information for remote systems.

Overall, the systeminfo command is a powerful tool for administrators, troubleshooters, and users who need to gather comprehensive information about their Windows-based systems quickly and efficiently.

List of commands for systeminfo:

  • systeminfo:tldr:15158 systeminfo: Display system configuration for a remote machine.
    $ systeminfo /s ${remote_name} /u ${username} /p ${password}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • systeminfo:tldr:5fb47 systeminfo: Display system configuration for the local machine.
    $ systeminfo
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • systeminfo:tldr:9165b systeminfo: Display system configuration in a specified output format.
    $ systeminfo /fo ${select}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • systeminfo:tldr:c69d5 systeminfo: Display detailed usage information.
    $ systeminfo /?
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview