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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool systemsetup. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Systemsetup is a command line tool available on macOS that allows users to modify various system settings. It provides a convenient way to configure and manage multiple aspects of the operating system from the terminal.

With systemsetup, users can control settings such as time zone, network time server, computer name, file sharing options, remote logins, wake-on-network access, and more. The tool provides extensive options for managing network-related configurations including Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and VPN settings.

It also offers the ability to manage energy-related settings such as sleep and wake on power, idle sleep time, and power management for disks. Additionally, systemsetup provides options to enable or disable certain system services such as Screen Sharing, Remote Apple Events, and Remote Login.

Systemsetup can be useful for administrators or advanced users who prefer command line interfaces for system configuration. Its easy-to-use syntax and broad range of available settings make it a powerful tool for managing and customizing macOS systems in both single-user and enterprise environments.

List of commands for systemsetup:

  • systemsetup:tldr:06b95 systemsetup: Make the machine never sleep and automatically restart on power failure or kernel panic.
    $ systemsetup -setsleep off -setrestartpowerfailure on -setrestartfreeze on
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  • systemsetup:tldr:852aa systemsetup: Specify a new startup disk.
    $ systemsetup -setstartupdisk ${path-to-directory}
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  • systemsetup:tldr:86e2e systemsetup: Specify timezone, NTP Server and enable network time.
    $ systemsetup -settimezone "${US-Pacific}" -setnetworktimeserver ${us-pool-ntp-org} -setusingnetworktime on
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  • systemsetup:tldr:a8918 systemsetup: Enable remote login (SSH).
    $ systemsetup -setremotelogin on
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  • systemsetup:tldr:af2b0 systemsetup: List valid startup disks.
    $ systemsetup -liststartupdisks
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