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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tcptraceroute. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Tcptraceroute is a command-line tool used to trace the path that network packets take from a source to a destination using TCP/IP. It performs a similar function to traditional traceroute but uses TCP instead of ICMP packets.

Tcptraceroute can be useful in troubleshooting network connectivity issues as it provides additional information about blocked or filtered packets. The tool attempts to establish a TCP connection to each hop in the network path and reports back the success or failure of each attempt.

Unlike traceroute, which uses ICMP echo requests, tcptraceroute uses TCP SYN packets, which can bypass firewalls and security measures that may block ICMP traffic. This makes it useful for identifying where exactly in the network path the connection is being blocked.

Tcptraceroute also provides additional information such as the roundtrip time (RTT) for each hop and the total number of hops taken to reach the destination. It can be helpful in identifying latency issues or performance bottlenecks in a network.

The command-line usage of tcptraceroute typically involves specifying the destination IP address or hostname as an argument. Additionally, options can be used to customize the behavior of the tool, such as specifying a specific source port or setting the maximum number of hops to be traced.

Overall, tcptraceroute is a powerful command-line tool that expands upon the functionality of traditional traceroute by using TCP packets, allowing for more accurate and thorough network path tracing, and providing extra details for troubleshooting network issues.

List of commands for tcptraceroute:

  • tcptraceroute:tldr:7c75a tcptraceroute: Specify the interface.
    $ tcptraceroute ${host} -i ${interface}
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  • tcptraceroute:tldr:89720 tcptraceroute: Set the first and maximum TTL.
    $ tcptraceroute ${host} -f ${first_ttl} -m ${max_ttl}
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  • tcptraceroute:tldr:91e53 tcptraceroute: Specify the wait time and number of queries per hop.
    $ tcptraceroute ${host} -w ${wait_time} -q ${number_of_queries}
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  • tcptraceroute:tldr:a5eda tcptraceroute: Trace the route to a host.
    $ tcptraceroute ${host}
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  • tcptraceroute:tldr:d890b tcptraceroute: Specify the local source port and source address.
    $ tcptraceroute ${host} -p ${source_port} -s ${source_address}
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  • tcptraceroute:tldr:dd2c1 tcptraceroute: Specify the destination port and packet length in bytes.
    $ tcptraceroute ${host} ${destination_port} ${packet_length}
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