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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool texliveonfly. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Texliveonfly is a command-line tool used to automatically download missing LaTeX packages and perform LaTeX compilation in a single run. It was designed to simplify the process of compiling LaTeX documents by managing package dependencies on the fly. Texliveonfly works by scanning the LaTeX document for package requirements and automatically downloading any missing packages from the TeX Live package repository. It is compatible with all major LaTeX distributions and can be used on Linux, Windows, and macOS. Texliveonfly comes with a variety of options that allow users to customize its behavior, such as specifying the TeX Live distribution or defining the output directory for the compiled document. It also supports advanced features like incremental compilation, which significantly speeds up the compilation process by only recompiling changed parts of the document. If a LaTeX document has complex dependencies or requires specialized packages, texliveonfly can be a particularly useful tool, as it ensures that all required packages are available and installed before compilation. Texliveonfly seamlessly integrates with popular LaTeX editors such as TeXstudio, Emacs, and Vim, allowing users to compile their documents directly from the editor interface. By managing package dependencies automatically, texliveonfly reduces the chances of encountering errors during compilation due to missing or incompatible packages. Texliveonfly is a powerful tool for LaTeX users that simplifies the process of compiling LaTeX documents by automatically managing package dependencies and ensuring a smooth compilation experience.

List of commands for texliveonfly:

  • texliveonfly:tldr:0f908 texliveonfly: Download missing packages while compiling.
    $ texliveonfly ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • texliveonfly:tldr:3b14e texliveonfly: Use a custom TeX Live `bin` folder.
    $ texliveonfly --texlive_bin=${path-to-texlive_bin} ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • texliveonfly:tldr:bddd1 texliveonfly: Use a specific compiler (defaults to `pdflatex`).
    $ texliveonfly --compiler=${compiler} ${source-tex}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview