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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool textql. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


TextQL is a command-line tool that allows you to easily interact with and query structured data in various formats using SQL-like syntax. It supports a range of data file formats like CSV, TSV, JSON, and SQLite databases, making it versatile for different data formats. With TextQL, you can execute SQL queries directly on your data files without the need for importing them into a database. It provides a convenient way to search, filter, and analyze your data files quickly and efficiently. The tool automatically determines the structure of your data files, inferring column names and data types. TextQL allows you to perform basic SQL operations such as SELECT, WHERE, JOIN, and GROUP BY on your data files. It supports projections, allowing you to choose specific columns for your query results. TextQL also supports ordering and limiting query results, enabling you to retrieve the most relevant or smaller subsets of data. It provides powerful search functionality, allowing you to search for specific values or patterns within your data. TextQL is a user-friendly tool with an intuitive interface, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced users.

List of commands for textql:

  • textql:tldr:0a8d1 textql: Query `.tsv` file.
    $ textql -dlm=tab -sql "${SELECT * FROM filename}" ${filenamename-tsv}
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  • textql:tldr:11c4c textql: Join two files on a specified common column.
    $ textql -header -sql "SELECT * FROM ${file1} JOIN ${file2} ON ${file1}.${c1} = ${file2}.${c1} LIMIT ${10}" -output-header ${filename1-csv} ${filename2-csv}
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  • textql:tldr:234aa textql: Format output using an output delimiter with an output header line.
    $ textql -output-dlm=${delimiter} -output-header -sql "SELECT ${column} AS ${alias} FROM ${filename}" ${filenamename-csv}
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  • textql:tldr:58d50 textql: Query file with header row.
    $ textql -dlm=${delimiter} -header -sql "${SELECT * FROM filename}" ${filenamename-csv}
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  • textql:tldr:f1729 textql: Print the lines in the specified `.csv` file that match a SQL query to `stdout`.
    $ textql -sql "${SELECT * FROM filename}" ${filenamename-csv}
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