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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tic. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Tic is a command line tool used to compile terminfo databases for various terminal emulators. It is primarily found on Unix-like operating systems. The databases produced by tic contain the terminal capabilities for individual terminal types. The tool takes input in the form of a source file, usually in the terminfo format, and generates the corresponding binary terminfo database. This database is then used by various applications to interact with the terminal, allowing them to utilize its capabilities effectively. Tic is often used in conjunction with terminfo libraries, which provide a standardized interface for retrieving and using terminal capabilities. The name "tic" stands for "terminfo compiler" and it is a fundamental tool in the world of terminal emulation and terminal-based applications.

List of commands for tic:

  • tic:tldr:57bb6 tic: Print database locations.
    $ tic -D
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  • tic:tldr:7906c tic: Compile and install terminfo for a terminal.
    $ tic -xe ${terminal} ${path-to-terminal-info}
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  • tic:tldr:a9191 tic: Check terminfo file for errors.
    $ tic -c ${path-to-terminal-info}
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