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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool timeshift. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Timeshift is a command-line tool used in Linux systems for creating and managing system snapshots. It enables users to take incremental backups of their entire system, including the operating system, applications, user data, and configuration files. The tool offers an easy way to restore the system to a previous state if any issues occur. Timeshift utilizes the capabilities of the RSYNC algorithm, providing efficient and differential backups. By taking snapshots at regular intervals, it allows users to roll back their system to a specific point in time to undo changes or restore a stable state. Users can schedule automated backups, specify the number of snapshots to keep, and choose the storage location for the backups. The tool supports multiple backup targets, such as local drives, external hard drives, network shares, and cloud storage platforms. It provides a comprehensive command-line interface for advanced users who prefer working in the terminal. Timeshift is a powerful utility that offers essential system protection and disaster recovery options to Linux users.

List of commands for timeshift:

  • timeshift:tldr:39c81 timeshift: Create a new snapshot (even if not scheduled).
    $ sudo timeshift --create
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  • timeshift:tldr:540dc timeshift: Restore a snapshot (selecting which snapshot to restore interactively).
    $ sudo timeshift --restore
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  • timeshift:tldr:72da1 timeshift: Create a new snapshot (if scheduled).
    $ sudo timeshift --check
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  • timeshift:tldr:758b3 timeshift: Restore a specific snapshot.
    $ sudo timeshift --restore --snapshot '${snapshot}'
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  • timeshift:tldr:9e7f7 timeshift: Delete a specific snapshot.
    $ sudo timeshift --delete --snapshot '${snapshot}'
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  • timeshift:tldr:c68c9 timeshift: List snapshots.
    $ sudo timeshift --list
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