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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool tpp. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


TPP (Text Processing in Python) is a powerful command line tool for processing and manipulating text data using Python. It provides a wide range of functionalities for text processing tasks.

  1. TPP allows you to perform common operations like searching, replacing, sorting, and filtering text files from the command line.

  2. You can easily extract specific lines or columns from text files using regular expressions or column selection.

  3. It supports complex pattern matching using regular expressions, making it easier to process and manipulate text with complex structures.

  4. TPP has built-in support for common Unix text processing operations like cut, grep, sed, and awk, providing a familiar environment for Unix users.

  5. It supports multiple input and output formats, including plain text, CSV, JSON, and XML, allowing you to work with different data structures.

  6. You can combine multiple operations in a single command by chaining them together, making it highly flexible and efficient for complex text processing tasks.

  7. TPP provides various options for customizing the output format, including column alignment, padding, and formatting, making it easy to generate well-structured output.

  8. It has a modular architecture, allowing you to extend its functionality using Python modules and libraries.

  9. TPP includes useful features like automatic line numbering, line merging, splitting, and conditional operations, making it a versatile tool for text manipulation.

  10. It is designed to be fast and efficient, handling large text files and complex operations with ease.

List of commands for tpp:

tool overview