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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool transcode. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Transcode is a powerful command line tool used for converting audio and video files to different formats. It is open-source and supports multiple platforms like Linux, Windows, and Mac OS.

With Transcode, you can transcode a wide range of media formats, including popular ones like MPEG, AVI, MP3, AAC, and more. It provides a flexible and customizable framework for encoding, decoding, and transcoding media files.

Transcode offers various features such as resizing video dimensions, changing bit rates, selecting audio channels, adding subtitles, and applying filters for video and audio enhancements. It supports both single-file and batch processing for efficient conversion of multiple files.

The tool provides comprehensive documentation, making it easy for users to understand and utilize its various options and parameters. Transcode can be used through command line commands or through shell scripts, allowing automation and integration into larger workflows.

Due to its modular architecture, Transcode can be extended with additional plugins and filters, expanding its capabilities and supporting additional media formats. The encoding process is highly optimized to deliver high-quality output with minimal loss.

Transcode also supports parallel processing, enabling multiple encoding tasks to run simultaneously, enhancing performance and reducing conversion time. It utilizes hardware acceleration where available, leveraging the power of GPUs to speed up transcoding.

While Transcode may have a steeper learning curve compared to some graphical tools, it offers extensive flexibility, control, and scalability, making it ideal for advanced users, developers, and those seeking to script or automate media conversion tasks.

List of commands for transcode:

  • transcode:tldr:8736d transcode: Remove camera shakes after creating stabilization file, transform video using XviD.
    $ transcode -J transform -i ${input_file} -y xvid -o ${output_file}
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  • transcode:tldr:a23e9 transcode: Create stabilization file to be able to remove camera shakes.
    $ transcode -J stabilize -i ${input_file}
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  • transcode:tldr:cdfb7 transcode: Resize the video to 640x480 pixels and convert to MPEG4 codec using XviD.
    $ transcode -Z 640x480 -i ${input_file} -y xvid -o ${output_file}
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