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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool transmission-create. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Transmission-create is a command-line tool used for creating torrent files. It is part of the Transmission BitTorrent client software and is available for various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Using transmission-create, you can easily create torrent files by providing the necessary input parameters. These parameters include the source file or directory you want to create a torrent for, the tracker URL, and various optional settings such as the piece size, comment, or private flag.

The tool calculates the SHA-1 hashes for each piece of the file and generates a torrent file based on the provided inputs. It also includes information about the file structure, piece lengths, and metadata.

Transmission-create supports both single-file and multi-file torrents, allowing you to create torrents for individual files or entire directories with multiple files.

It provides options to set the web seed URL, which allows the torrent to be downloaded directly from a web server, enhancing download speeds. Additionally, you can specify the created by, encoding, and ownership details for the torrent.

The resulting torrent file can be used with any BitTorrent client to share files with others. It contains the necessary information for peers to connect, download, and upload the shared content, ensuring efficient file distribution.

Transmission-create is a powerful tool for anyone wanting to share files using the BitTorrent protocol. Its simplicity and extensive set of options make it a popular choice among users and developers.

List of commands for transmission-create:

  • transmission-create:tldr:0e6e8 transmission-create: Create a torrent with 2048 KB as the piece size.
    $ transmission-create -o ${path-to-example-torrent} --tracker ${tracker_announce_url} --piecesize ${2048} ${filename_or_directory}
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  • transmission-create:tldr:187fa transmission-create: Create a torrent with multiple trackers.
    $ transmission-create -o ${path-to-example-torrent} --tracker ${tracker_url1} --tracker ${tracker_url2} ${filename_or_directory}
    try on your machine
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  • transmission-create:tldr:be37e transmission-create: Create a private torrent with a 2048 KB piece size.
    $ transmission-create -p -o ${path-to-example-torrent} --tracker ${tracker_announce_url} --piecesize ${2048} ${filename_or_directory}
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  • transmission-create:tldr:e0f14 transmission-create: Show help page.
    $ transmission-create --help
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  • transmission-create:tldr:ff344 transmission-create: Create a torrent with a comment.
    $ transmission-create -o ${path-to-example-torrent} --tracker ${tracker_url1} -c ${comment} ${filename_or_directory}
    try on your machine
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tool overview