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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool udevadm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


udevadm is a command line tool used to manage and interact with the udev system in Linux. It stands for "udev administrator" and is typically used in system administration tasks.

This tool allows users to query and modify the udev database, which contains information about hardware devices in the system. It provides detailed information about devices such as their properties, attributes, and sysfs paths. Information can be retrieved using commands like "udevadm info" followed by the device file or sysfs path.

udevadm also offers the capability to trigger events, which can be useful when troubleshooting or manually configuring devices. With the "udevadm trigger" command, events related to devices can be retriggered, causing actions defined in the respective udev rules to be executed.

Additionally, the tool provides options to monitor and debug udev events with commands like "udevadm monitor" and "udevadm test". These commands allow users to observe the events and associated actions taken by udev, aiding in troubleshooting driver or device-related issues.

Overall, udevadm provides a powerful and flexible command line interface for working with the udev system, facilitating device management and troubleshooting in Linux environments.

List of commands for udevadm:

  • udevadm:tldr:41cf6 udevadm: Reload all `udev` rules.
    $ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
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  • udevadm:tldr:61a4d udevadm: Print device events after being processed by `udev`.
    $ sudo udevadm monitor --udev
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  • udevadm:tldr:688cc udevadm: Trigger all `udev` rules to run.
    $ sudo udevadm trigger
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  • udevadm:tldr:85599 udevadm: List attributes of a device.
    $ sudo udevadm info --attribute-walk --path ${-dev-sda1}
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  • udevadm:tldr:8fbc7 udevadm: Print `uevents` sent out by the kernel.
    $ sudo udevadm monitor --kernel
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  • udevadm:tldr:d21c0 udevadm: Monitor all device events.
    $ sudo udevadm monitor
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