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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool umask. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


1) Umask is a command line tool used in Unix-like operating systems to control the default permission settings for newly created files and directories. 2) It stands for User Mask or User File Creation Mask, representing the permission mask. 3) Umask sets the permission bits that are automatically removed from newly created files to restrict access. 4) The default umask value on most systems is usually 0022, which means that write and execute permissions are removed for group and other users. 5) Umask values are represented in octal notation, where each digit corresponds to a set of permissions. 6) The umask command can be executed by users to view their current umask value or modify it for their own session. 7) The umask settings are inherited by child processes created by the user during that session. 8) Umask also has an associated file, usually located at /etc/profile or /etc/bashrc, where the system-wide default umask value is defined. 9) The program can be run using the command 'umask' followed by a new umask value to update the existing value. 10) Umask serves as a way to enhance security and fine-tune the default permissions for files and directories created by users.

List of commands for umask:

  • umask:tldr:850d9 umask: Change the mask symbolically to allow read permission for all users (the rest of the mask bits are unchanged).
    $ umask ${a+r}
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  • umask:tldr:e2b41 umask: Display the current mask in symbolic (human-readable) mode.
    $ umask -S
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  • umask:tldr:f2eda umask: Display the current mask in octal notation.
    $ umask
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