"units" is a command line tool found in Unix-like operating systems, used for unit conversion and calculations. It is primarily used to convert between different measurement units in a variety of categories like length, time, temperature, volume, speed, and more. With units, you can perform conversions easily by simply providing the desired unit conversions as arguments to the command. It supports a wide range of units including both metric and imperial systems. The tool also allows you to perform basic calculations by combining numerical values with units in a formula. For instance, you can multiply, divide, add, or subtract units to perform mathematical operations. Units supports a flexible syntax, allowing you to specify complex conversions or mathematical calculations using brackets and the appropriate operators. It provides a comprehensive database of units and conversions, which can be extended or customized by the user. Additionally, units provides the ability to display detailed information about units and categories, helping users understand and explore different measurement systems. It also offers command line autocompletion functionality to aid in quickly finding units during conversions. Units is a versatile and widely-used tool by engineers, scientists, and anyone dealing with unit conversions or calculations in fields like physics, engineering, chemistry, or even everyday life. It provides a quick and efficient way to convert between units and perform arithmetic operations, saving time and effort.
List of commands for units:
units:tldr:a9b0c units: Show the conversion between two simple units.$ units ${quarts} ${tablespoons}try on your machineexplain this command