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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool unix2mac. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The unix2mac command line tool is used to convert text files from Unix or Linux line endings to Mac line endings. It is particularly useful when you are working with text files that have been created or edited on Unix-based systems and need to be opened correctly on a Mac system.

The tool ensures that the file line endings are converted from the Unix-style '\n' character to the Mac-style '\r' character which is necessary for proper display and editing in Mac applications. The conversion process is done by scanning the input file and replacing the Unix line endings with Mac line endings.

The unix2mac command line tool is very simple to use, typically requiring just a few basic parameters. It can be executed by running the command 'unix2mac input_file output_file', where 'input_file' is the name of the file to be converted from Unix to Mac line endings, and 'output_file' is the name of the converted file to be saved.

This tool comes pre-installed on most Unix-like systems, including macOS. However, if it is not available by default, it can be installed easily using package managers like Homebrew.

Overall, unix2mac is a handy command line tool that simplifies the process of converting text files to Mac line endings, ensuring compatibility across different operating systems.

List of commands for unix2mac:

  • unix2mac:tldr:04d90 unix2mac: Create a copy with macOS-style line endings.
    $ unix2mac -n ${path-to-unix_file} ${path-to-mac_file}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • unix2mac:tldr:537df unix2mac: Change the line endings of a file.
    $ unix2mac ${filename}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
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