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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool valgrind. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Valgrind is a powerful command line tool used for memory profiling, memory leak detection, and performance profiling of C, C++, and Fortran programs.

It works by dynamically analyzing the behavior of a program while it runs, allowing you to identify and address memory-related issues.

Valgrind provides several useful tools, such as Memcheck, which is a memory error detector capable of detecting memory leaks, buffer overflows, and accessing uninitialized memory.

Another tool provided by Valgrind is Cachegrind, which helps in understanding cache utilization and performance. It simulates a virtual cache and provides information on cache misses, branch mispredictions, and instruction execution counts.

Callgrind, another tool, performs cache profiling and generates performance profiles, showing where most time is spent in a program.

Valgrind also includes tools like Massif, which profiles heap memory usage, and Helgrind, which detects common synchronization errors in programs that use threads.

The output generated by Valgrind is detailed and informative, helping developers pinpoint the exact location of memory errors and performance bottlenecks.

Valgrind is primarily used for debugging and optimizing programs, improving their reliability and performance.

While being highly effective, Valgrind can be resource-intensive and slow down the target program considerably. Hence, it is recommended to use Valgrind during development and testing rather than in production environments.

It is an open-source tool and is widely supported on various Linux distributions, making it a popular choice among developers for memory profiling and debugging purposes.

List of commands for valgrind:

  • valgrind:tldr:0afd9 valgrind: Use the Cachegrind tool to profile and log CPU cache operations of `program`.
    $ valgrind --tool=cachegrind ${program}
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  • valgrind:tldr:333ad valgrind: Use the Massif tool to profile and log heap memory and stack usage of `program`.
    $ valgrind --tool=massif --stacks=yes ${program}
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  • valgrind:tldr:69fc2 valgrind: Use the (default) Memcheck tool to show a diagnostic of memory usage by `program`.
    $ valgrind ${program}
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  • valgrind:tldr:d7e47 valgrind: Use Memcheck to report all possible memory leaks of `program` in full detail.
    $ valgrind --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all ${program}
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