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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool verilator. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Verilator is an open-source tool used for simulating and testing digital hardware designs written in the Hardware Description Language (HDL), specifically Verilog and SystemVerilog. It is primarily used for functional verification and allows designers to analyze and verify the correctness of their designs before final synthesis and implementation. Verilator compiles the HDL code into an optimized C++ simulation model, providing fast and accurate simulation results. The tool supports various Verilog and SystemVerilog constructs, including procedural blocks, continuous assignments, modules, and more. Verilator incorporates various advanced features like garbage collection, code coverage analysis, and hierarchical designs support, enabling efficient verification and debugging of complex digital designs. It can handle large designs with millions of gates and memory elements, making it suitable for both small and large-scale projects. Verilator can generate VCD files, allowing designers to visualize and debug waveforms to trace the behavior of the simulated design. The tool offers command-line options to specify simulation parameters, waveform dumping, and compilation optimization levels. Verilator's speed and efficiency make it a popular choice among hardware designers, especially for continuous integration and regression testing. It is compatible with various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

List of commands for verilator:

  • verilator:tldr:3c882 verilator: Build a specific C project in the current directory.
    $ verilator --binary --build-jobs 0 -Wall ${path-to-source-v}
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  • verilator:tldr:4b101 verilator: Perform linting over a code in the current directory.
    $ verilator --lint-only -Wall
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  • verilator:tldr:d2db0 verilator: Create a C++ executable in a specific folder.
    $ verilator --cc --exe --build --build-jobs 0 -Wall ${path-to-source-cpp} ${path-to-output-v}
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  • verilator:tldr:f8db9 verilator: Create XML output about the design (files, modules, instance hierarchy, logic and data types) to feed into other tools.
    $ verilator --xml-output -Wall ${path-to-output-xml}
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tool overview