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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool vgcreate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "vgcreate" is a part of the LVM (Logical Volume Manager) package in Linux systems. It is used to create a new volume group. A volume group is a collection of physical volumes that can be combined to create logical volumes.

The "vgcreate" command requires the name of the new volume group and at least one physical volume as parameters. It allows the administrator to specify various options such as the maximum number of physical extents, physical volume size, and thin-pool allocation policy, among others.

Once executed, "vgcreate" initializes the volume group with the specified name and adds the provided physical volume(s) to it. The command verifies the integrity of the physical volumes and sets up the metadata required for managing the volume group.

Creating a volume group using the "vgcreate" command enables the administrator to manage storage resources more efficiently by creating logical volumes within the volume group and allocating them as needed.

The "vgcreate" command is an essential tool for managing storage in Linux systems, particularly when working with LVM and creating flexible storage solutions. It provides a simple and effective way to create and manage volume groups that facilitate easy allocation and utilization of storage space.

List of commands for vgcreate:

  • vgcreate:tldr:a732c vgcreate: Create a new volume group called vg1 using multiple devices.
    $ vgcreate ${vg1} ${-dev-sda1} ${-dev-sdb1} ${-dev-sdc1}
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  • vgcreate:tldr:c0c15 vgcreate: Create a new volume group called vg1 using the `/dev/sda1` device.
    $ vgcreate ${vg1} ${-dev-sda1}
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