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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool vimdiff. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Vimdiff is a command line tool that is a part of the Vim text editor. It allows users to perform side-by-side comparison of files or directories. vimdiff highlights the differences between files or directories, making it easier to identify changes. It provides a color-coded interface to indicate additions, deletions, and modifications. Users can navigate through the differences using intuitive keybindings. vimdiff supports both binary and text files, making it versatile for various use cases. It allows users to edit the differences directly within the interface and save the changes. Users can merge changes from one file to another using convenient commands provided by vimdiff. Multiple windows are created when running vimdiff, allowing users to view the compared files simultaneously. vimdiff is highly customizable, and users can configure various options to suit their preferences.

List of commands for vimdiff:

  • vimdiff:tldr:36f0f vimdiff: Open two files and show the differences.
    $ vimdiff ${file1} ${file2}
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