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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool virt-xml-validate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Virt-xml-validate is a command-line tool used in virtualization environment management. It is part of the libvirt package, which provides APIs for interacting with various virtualization technologies. The purpose of virt-xml-validate is to validate the XML configuration files used to define virtual machines and virtual networks.

When running virt-xml-validate, you pass the path to an XML file as an argument, and the tool performs a thorough validation of the XML syntax, structure, and elements according to the XML schema definition. It ensures that the XML file meets the requirements for libvirt-based virtualization.

The validation process checks for syntax errors, missing elements, incorrect attributes, and other XML-related issues. If any problems are detected, virt-xml-validate displays informative error messages to help identify and fix the XML configuration file.

This tool is useful for administrators and developers working with virtualization technologies based on libvirt, such as QEMU, KVM, Xen, or VirtualBox. By validating XML files beforehand, potential errors or incompatibilities can be identified early on, ensuring smooth virtual machine or network creation and management.

List of commands for virt-xml-validate:

  • virt-xml-validate:tldr:1c38f virt-xml-validate: Validate the domain XML against the domain schema.
    $ virt-xml-validate ${path-to-domain-xml} domain
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  • virt-xml-validate:tldr:97a57 virt-xml-validate: Validate an XML file against a specific schema.
    $ virt-xml-validate ${filename-xml} ${schema}
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