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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool vnstat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


VNstat is a command line tool used for monitoring network traffic and bandwidth usage on Linux systems. It keeps track of data transfers on network interfaces and provides detailed statistics in a simple, easy-to-read format. The tool works by analyzing the packets sent and received on each network interface and stores the collected data in a database for future reference. VNstat provides information such as daily and monthly download and upload totals, hourly and top-level statistics, data transfer rates, and peak traffic times. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols and can monitor multiple network interfaces simultaneously. It also offers the ability to generate graphical output using various templates and integration with third-party scripts and tools.

List of commands for vnstat:

  • vnstat:tldr:1882a vnstat: Measure and show average traffic for 30 seconds.
    $ vnstat -tr ${30}
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  • vnstat:tldr:818db vnstat: Display traffic summary for a specific network interface.
    $ vnstat -i ${eth0}
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  • vnstat:tldr:87da1 vnstat: Display traffic summary for all interfaces.
    $ vnstat
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  • vnstat:tldr:88285 vnstat: Show traffic statistics on an hourly basis for the last 24 hours using a bar graph.
    $ vnstat -hg
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  • vnstat:tldr:9748d vnstat: Display live stats for a specific network interface.
    $ vnstat -l -i ${eth0}
    try on your machine
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tool overview