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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool vrms. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "vrms" stands for "virtual Richard M. Stallman" and is available in Debian-based Linux distributions. It is used to determine which installed packages on a system are not in line with the Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG).

Vrms scans the installed packages and creates a list of those that belong to non-free or contrib categories, based on their licensing. It helps users ensure that their system consists only of free software packages as defined by Debian.

Vrms displays the number of non-free packages installed and provides a detailed list of these packages, allowing users to review their licensing status. It also suggests free software alternatives for the non-free packages if available.

It can be useful for users who prioritize using fully free software, as well as those who want to ensure their system complies with DFSG when distributing software or creating derivative works. It helps users maintain a clear understanding of the licensing status of their system and promotes the use of libre software.

While primarily used by Debian-based distributions, it can also be installed on other Linux distributions through various means, such as installing the 'vrms' package from the Debian repositories or manually downloading and installing the script from its source. Vrms offers a simple yet effective command line tool for exploring and maintaining software freedom on Debian-based systems.

List of commands for vrms:

tool overview