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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool wasm2c. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Wasm2c is a powerful command line tool used for converting WebAssembly (Wasm) code to C code. Developed by the Emscripten project, wasm2c is primarily used to translate Wasm modules into their equivalent C code representations. It provides an efficient way to analyze and understand the inner workings of a Wasm binary by converting it to a more familiar C format. Wasm2c generates clean and readable C code, enabling developers to study, modify, and even optimize the Wasm modules directly in C. The tool also supports the Emscripten-specific extensions, allowing developers to incorporate existing C codebases into Wasm modules seamlessly. Wasm2c produces C code that closely resembles the structure of the original Wasm module, making it easier to perform debugging and testing. With wasm2c, developers can compile Wasm modules to native executables using traditional compilers like GCC or Clang, enabling further optimization and integration with existing software ecosystems. The tool offers additional options for configuring the generated C code, including the ability to inline functions, optimize memory usage, and enable or disable certain features. Wasm2c is a part of the larger Emscripten compiler toolchain and is widely used in the Wasm development community. It provides a bridge between the Wasm and C ecosystems, allowing developers to leverage the strengths of both languages for building performant and portable applications.

List of commands for wasm2c:

  • wasm2c:tldr:36ab0 wasm2c: Convert a file to a C source file and header and display it to the console.
    $ wasm2c ${file-wasm}
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  • wasm2c:tldr:d8cfe wasm2c: Write the output to a given file (`file.h` gets additionally generated).
    $ wasm2c ${file-wasm} -o ${file-c}
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tool overview