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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool wasm2wat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


wasm2wat is a command line tool that is used for converting WebAssembly binary files (with the .wasm extension) into a textual representation format called WebAssembly Text Format (abbreviated as Wat).

The tool is a part of the WebAssembly Binary Toolkit (wabt) and is widely used in web development and software engineering fields.

wasm2wat allows developers to inspect and understand the contents of a WebAssembly binary file in a more human-readable format.

By converting .wasm files to Wat, developers can study and analyze the code, perform manual optimization, and gain a deeper understanding of the WebAssembly module structure.

The Wat format is also used as an intermediate representation in various toolchains and compilers, making wasm2wat an essential tool for working with WebAssembly.

wasm2wat supports various options and flags that enable different types of conversions and output formats, providing flexibility to developers in their exploration of WebAssembly binary files.

The tool can generate Wat code with or without annotations, resulting in a more concise or verbose output depending on the requirements.

Additionally, wasm2wat supports round-trip conversion, which means that the Wat file generated by wasm2wat can be converted back to a binary WebAssembly file using another tool like wat2wasm.

wasm2wat is an open-source tool that is actively maintained and developed by the WebAssembly community, ensuring compatibility with the latest WebAssembly specifications and supporting new features as they become available.

Overall, wasm2wat is an indispensable tool for developers working with WebAssembly, offering a powerful way to analyze and manipulate binary modules in a human-readable format.

List of commands for wasm2wat:

  • wasm2wat:tldr:171c2 wasm2wat: Convert a file to the text format and display it to the console.
    $ wasm2wat ${file-wasm}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • wasm2wat:tldr:9af25 wasm2wat: Write the output to a given file.
    $ wasm2wat ${file-wasm} -o ${file-wat}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview