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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool wc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The wc command is a popular command-line tool in Unix-like operating systems, which stands for "word count." It is used to display the line count, word count, and byte count of a given file or set of files. When executed without any options, wc displays the newline count, word count, and byte count of the input.

The wc command has multiple options that allow users to modify its behavior. For example, the -l option only displays the line count, whereas the -w option only displays the word count. Similarly, the -c option only displays the byte count. It is also possible to combine these options, such as using -lw to display both the line and word count.

The wc command also supports reading input from standard input rather than a file, which is helpful for pipelines and interactive usage. By default, when no file is provided as an argument, wc reads from standard input.

One important feature of wc is its ability to count characters while taking into account different character encodings. It can accurately count characters in ASCII, UTF-8, and various other character encodings.

The wc command is often used in combination with other commands, as part of a larger command-line pipeline. For example, one might use wc to count the number of lines in a file and then use that count for further processing.

Overall, the wc command is a versatile and useful tool for counting lines, words, and bytes in files, making it handy for various text processing tasks in the command line environment.

List of commands for wc:

  • wc:tldr:01a1e wc: Count characters in file (taking multi-byte character sets into account).
    $ wc -m ${filename}
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  • wc:tldr:246ce wc: Count words in file.
    $ wc -w ${filename}
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  • wc:tldr:3f9f7 wc: Count all words in a file.
    $ wc --words ${filename}
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  • wc:tldr:48f53 wc: Count all bytes in a file.
    $ wc --bytes ${filename}
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  • wc:tldr:b815a wc: Count characters (bytes) in file.
    $ wc -c ${filename}
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  • wc:tldr:c1639 wc: Count lines in file.
    $ wc -l ${filename}
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  • wc:tldr:d80fd wc: Count all characters in a file (taking multi-byte characters into account).
    $ wc --chars ${filename}
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  • wc:tldr:fa727 wc: Count all lines in a file.
    $ wc --lines ${filename}
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  • wc:tldr:faf42 wc: Count the length of the longest line in number of characters.
    $ wc --max-line-length ${filename}
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tool overview