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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool while. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"While" is a common command line tool that is used to repeatedly execute a set of commands based on a given condition. It is typically used for looping purposes in shell scripts and programming languages.

The while command starts by evaluating a condition, which can be any expression or command. If the condition is true, the set of commands associated with the while loop are executed. Once the commands are executed, the condition is checked again, and if it still holds true, the loop continues.

The while loop continues until the condition evaluates to false. Once the condition is no longer true, the loop terminates, and the program flow continues to the next line outside of the loop.

The set of commands executed within the while loop can range from simple commands to complex scripts. It provides a flexible way to repeat tasks until a specific condition is met.

While loops can be used to iterate over a collection of items, read input from a file or a user, perform calculations, or execute any type of command repetitively.

While loops can also be nested, meaning that a while loop can contain another while loop within its set of commands. This allows for more intricate control flow and looping patterns.

The while loop is versatile and widely used in various programming languages, including shell scripting, Python, JavaScript, and many others.

It is important to ensure that the condition within the while loop will eventually evaluate to false, or else the loop will continue indefinitely, resulting in an infinite loop.

The while loop can be used in combination with other control flow constructs like if statements and for loops to create more complex logic and algorithms.

Overall, the while command line tool is a fundamental element of command line scripting and programming, providing a powerful way to iterate and repeat commands based on specified conditions.

List of commands for while:

  • read:tldr:208c8 read: Read `stdin` and perform an action on every line.
    $ while read line; do echo "$line"; done
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • shell:warp:f561d Shell while-loop
    $ while ${condition} do
    $ ${command}
    $ done
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • while:tldr:c7dcb while: Execute a command forever once every second.
    $ while :; do ${command}; sleep 1; done
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview